Microwave Peach & Apricot Bread Pudding

Great Dessert that can be made fairly quickly with minimal ingredients. Tastes Great and is Low in Fat and added sugar! The leftovers are great cold for breakfast Show more

Ready In: 47 mins

Serves: 8

Yields: 1 Large Casserole Dish


  • 2  cups skim milk
  • 2  eggs
  • 1  teaspoon vanilla
  • 3  teaspoons brown sugar
  • 14 cup sultana
  • 8  slices  stale  white bread
  • 1  tablespoon  raspberry jam
  • 1 (415 g) can  peaches in juice
  • 1 (415 g) can  apricot halves in juice


  1. Cut 6 slices of bread into squares approx.
  2. 1 inch x 1 inch.
  3. Place in large casserole dish, with sultanas.
  4. Using a can opener, open fruit can approx 1 cm on either side of lid.
  5. Drain liquid into jug.
  6. Open rest of can.
  7. Roughly chop fruit while in can and add to the bread.
  8. Toss through.
  9. Pour a little of the juice over bread to slightly moisten.
  10. Cut remaining 2 slices of bread into quarters, spread with jam.
  11. Place over top of mixture.
  12. Beat Eggs, add milk, vanilla, and sugar.
  13. Pour over bread mixture making sure every piece of bread is moistenned.
  14. Stand for 5 minutes, or until bread is quite moist.
  15. Sprinkle with cinnamon.
  16. Microwave on Medium-High for 12 minutes.
  17. Stand for 5 minutes.
  18. Microwave on High for 5 minutes.
  19. Stand for 5 minutes.
  20. Microwave on Medium High for 10 minutes.
  21. Stand until cool enough to serve.
  22. Tip- Is nice served cold for breakfast with a little evaporated skim milk, or low-fat yoghurt.
  23. Variations- If not sweet enough for you try drizzling honey, maple syrup, or caramel topping.
  24. Or when making, substitute skim milk and sugar for large can (440ml) of evaporated skim milk.
  25. You could also try using slice stale sponge rolletes, and old sponge cake, raisin or fruit bread in place of plain bread.
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