Mexican - Agua Fresca

Agua fresca's are Mexican fruit beverages. I love Agua Fresca's and these ones sound wonderful to me. these recipes are from Whats4eats. These refreshing beverages are typically served from large barrel-shaped glass containers. The lime juice adds a lovely tartness to the drink making it more refreshing. Some of the more traditional varieties are watermelon, cantaloupe and strawberry. I have given 6 fruit options, choose the fruit you like and enjoy! Show more

Ready In: 15 mins

Yields: 2 1/2 quarts


  • 3  cups strawberries, chopped coarsely (strawberry fresca)
  • 3  cups melon, honey, chopped coarsely (honey melon fresca)
  • 3  cups cantaloupes, chopped coarsely (cantaloupe fresca)
  • 3  cups papayas, chopped coarsely (papaya fresca)
  • 3  cups watermelon, chopped coarsely (watermelon fresca)
  • 3  cups cucumbers, peeled, seeded (cucumber fresca)
  • 6 -8  cups water
  • 12-34 cup sugar, white
  • 14 cup lime juice (optional)


  1. Add the fruit and 2-3 cups of the water to a blender and puree until smooth.
  2. Strain through a sieve into a large pitcher.
  3. Add the rest of water, 1/2 cup of sugar and the lime juice.
  4. Stir well and add more water and sugar if needed.
  5. Serve well chilled.
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