Melanie's Honey-Nougat Icing

Use this icing to fill and frost Delicious Nut Cake( Delicious Nut Cake). This recipe comes from the "Gone With The Wind Cook Book - Famous Southern Cooking Recipes". There is a note in the foreward which I love: "Gone With The Wind told of a style of living. as well as a romantic drama, A way of living, playing, and eating that thrilled us all." Show more

Ready In: 20 mins

Yields: 3 cups




  1. Combine first 7 ingredients in top of double boiler, and stir gently until well mixed.
  2. Place over rapidly boiling water and beat constantly with an electric mixer until the mixture forms peaks at the end of the beater (about 7 minutes).
  3. Then, remove from heat; add vanilla, and beat until thick enough to spread.
  4. Spread over cake.
  5. Sprinkle nuts on sides or top of cake.
  6. Fills and frosts 2 (9-inch) layers.
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