Meatballs a La Ritz

This is a recipe from the kindergarden i work. Children love it and it easy to make and a crowd pleaser. I prefer baking themin the oven if i make many of them. tha sauce can be made befrorehand and keeps a couple of these in the fridge. Serve with rice (we like jasmine rice), fresh veggetables and soy sauce. Note: Leftovers are great for a meatballsandwith as the balls soak up the chili sauce when left in there for some time. Show more

Ready In: 45 mins

Serves: 4

Yields: 20 meatballs


  • For the meatballs

  • 1  lb  minced meat
  • 1  egg
  • 1  cup  Ritz cracker, buiscuits grinded
  • 2  teaspoons potato starch
  • Fr the sweet chili sauce

  • 12 cup sugar
  • 12 cup water
  • 14 cup vinegar
  • 3  teaspoons ketchup
  • 1  teaspoon salt


  1. Blend together the ingredients for the meatballs and make little balls with your hands, they should be around 2 to 3 inches big.
  2. Stir fry the balls on a hot pan without oil or bake them in the oven at 300°F for 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Blend together the ingredients for the sauce in a suitable pot and heat up.
  4. Thicken with sauce thickener if you like.
  5. Serve your meatballs folded into the sauce togehter with the condiments mentioned above.
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