Mashed Potato Virgin!

I can't remember where I found this recipe but it's a keeper. Very basic, I had never made mashed potatoes from scratch before and was asked to bring them to Thanksgiving dinner a few years ago. I was nervous so I made sure to use a great and easy recipe. They turned out perfect, nobody knew I was a mashed potato virgin!!! This recipe serves 4, but I had to serve 16 so here are the large measurements- 24 potatoes, 1 c butter, about 2 c milk Show more

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 4


  • 6  potatoes, medium
  • 4  tablespoons butter, salted
  • 8  tablespoons milk, you might not use it all
  •  salt and pepper


  1. Peel and quarter potatoes.
  2. Cook covered with enough salted water (sometimes I use chicken broth) to just cover potatoes for 20-25 or until soft.
  3. Drain.
  4. Beat on low with electric mixer.
  5. Add butter, salt & pepper to taste.
  6. Beat in enough milk until light & fluffy.
  7. Serve with favorite gravy or topping.
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