Mary Pshyk's Ukrainian Borscht

I love soup, and this borscht is slightly different from others I've seen. This is one of my adopted recipes. It looks like a dish my family and I would enjoy, so I hope to make it and edit it in the future. Show more

Ready In: 0 mins

Serves: 6-8




  1. Mary Pshyk's Ukrainian beet soup is served with chopped fresh dill sprinkled on each bowlful and rye or black bread.
  2. Soak beans in cold water for two hours, drain, add more cold water to cover and simmer until tender, about two hours.
  3. Place spareribs in large pot of cold water, bring to a boil, skim off any surface scum, and simmer for about 20 minutes.
  4. Remove meat with slotted spoon, skim fat from stock and return meat to pot.
  5. Add beets, onion and salt and simmer until meat is cooked, about 45 minutes more.
  6. Add cooked beans and cabbage and cook until cabbage is tender, about 10 minutes.
  7. Blend cream and four and stir into soup.
  8. Continue cooking, stirring, until soup thickens slightly.
  9. Season to taste with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
  10. Serve hot with sour cream and dill.
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