Marvellous Marshmallows

This recipe is based on one in a great book, Better than Store Bought, by Helen Witty and Elizabeth Schneider. Toss on top of my Snowy Boulevard - or use in any recipe that calls for marshmallows! Show more

Ready In: 30 mins

Yields: 16 pieces




  1. Place the water and gelatin in a small saucepan, leave for 10 minutes to soften, then add the sugar and heat gently to dissolve all the ingredients.
  2. In the bowl of an upright mixer, add the remaining ingredients except the icing sugar, pour in the warm gelatin mixture and whisk on medium-high speed for 15 minutes.
  3. The mixture will whiten and become thick with soft peaks.
  4. Meanwhile, line an 8-inch (20-cm) square pan with parchment paper.
  5. Dust with icing sugar.
  6. Pour the marshmallow mixture into the prepared pan, smooth top and allow to set.
  7. Do not refrigerate.
  8. Once set, cut into squares with a wet knife.
  9. Dust with icing sugar.
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