Marcona Almonds/ California Style

With the high price of Marcona almonds imported from Spain I was happy to find a recipe that produces a very close facsimile at a fraction of the cost, but uses California almonds. This was adapted from an article published in the San Francisco Chronicle. Hope you like them. Show more

Ready In: 55 mins

Yields: 1 3/4 cups




  1. .Preheat oven to 300°F.
  2. Boil almonds in water for about 30 seconds.
  3. Drain the almonds in a sieve, then place them in a clean dish towel.
  4. Rub them to remove the skins.
  5. Place the almonds on a rimmed baking sheet.
  6. Add olive oil and coat them evenly.
  7. Sprinkle with salt.
  8. Bake the almonds 30 to 40 minutes, stirring a couple of times so that they brown evenly.
  9. When done, spread on a cool surface to let cool.
  10. Add more salt if needed.
  11. Store in an airtight container.
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