Marcinho's Country-Style Chicken & Rice Soup

This is a soup that takes less than an hour to make, it's satisfying, delicious and a crowd pleaser! Whenever it's COLD--- this will soothe the soul! And it's DIFFERENT the next day (once the flavors have melded)! I will post first: The way my Grandmother likes it and then I've added a note about the way I spruce it up for a more gourmet approach and presentation. I'd serve it with a toasted, buttered baguette; Fresh baked Cornbread or with Carr's Water Crackers; A glass of well-chilled, crisp Chardonnay or a Gewürztraminer. This is a "Provincial" soup--- meaning: Not finished in a refined manner, so make sure to have little saucers or bowls to catch your guests bones as they find them. Where there are ranges EG: "1.5 to 2 cups of rice", for example, this is done to accommodate your personal tastes. It is already a quick soup. If you rush it, it will TASTE like it. Bon Appetit! :-) Show more

Ready In: 50 mins

Serves: 4-8




  1. Place chicken in pot and cover with 3" to 4" of water, depending on the size of the pot.
  2. Boil chicken until tender.
  3. Skim off foam with ladle and remove from heat.
  4. Let chicken rest in the pot and juices while you prep the veg.
  5. When vegetables are prepped, bring the pot to a rolling boil & add uncooked rice.
  6. Add entire container of Chicken Broth.
  7. Add vegetables and allow to simmer, covered, on low for 15 minutes.
  8. When the rice and vegetables are "al dente", Remove from heat.
  9. Add dry seasonings, stirring gently to marry the flavors.
  10. ADJUST seasonings for taste.
  11. REMOVE from heat.
  12. Let sit until time to serve (Not more than an hour) so that the chicken can absorb the flavors and will continue to fall off the bone, while the vegetables tenderize.
  13. THIS is how my Grandmother likes it.
  14. **** MY VARIATION****: If I were doing it for myself and guests, I'd add 1/4 C cognac OR Sherry, 1/3 C Sauternes, 8 to 10 medium-chopped vine ripened-plum tomatoes, a bit of cayenne to taste and 1/2 to 1 C Half and Half, 1 to 2 TBS sugar (or the equivalent in substitute), 1TBS Champagne or Cider Vinegar and a dash of fresh nutmeg once plated.
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