Marble Ice Cream Cake

its a delicious ice cream seems difficult but its very easy and you will like it so much (cooking time is cooling time) Show more

Ready In: 8 hrs 40 mins

Yields: 8-10 slices




  1. Rinse a loaf tin with cold water, drain and place in freezer until required and turn freezer to coldest setting.
  2. place 2 of the eggs in a mixing bowl, stiff in half the icing sugar and half the vanilla essence or vanilla sugar then whisk the mixture for about 5 minutes with a hand-held electric mixer until pale and creamy.
  3. Whip half the cream with 1 tablespoon of the remaining icing sugar until stiff.
  4. fold the cream into egg mixture lightly but thoroughly and spread into loaf tin. cover and freeze for 2 hours.
  5. break chocolates into squares and place in a microwave safe dish and let it melt.
  6. whisk milk with molten chocolate and stir well till its a smooth mix.
  7. In a bowl, whisk remaining eggs with 3 tablespoons of remaining icing sugarand remaining vanilla essence or vanilla sugar until pale and creamy mix.
  8. stir in chocolate mixture.
  9. whip remaining cream with rest of icing sugar till stiff .fold it to the chocolate mixture lightly but thoroughly then spread on partailly frozen ice cream in tin. using a fork in a spiral action,whirl both mixtures together, smooth surface.
  10. cover and freeze.
  11. after 6-7 hours turn freezer to its normal setting.
  12. serve in slices.
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