Mango Tomatillo Salsa

This quick and easy recipe combines tropical and Mexican ingredients to produce a fresh, crisp salsa that is a great addition to lighter fare such as chicken or fish. Use as topping on yoghurt for a hot and cool but tasty summer dessert. As with all of my recipes calling for Habanero Peppers, you as chef, can substitute with any other type of peppers. For instance: If you only have jalapenos, then substitute. From "The Pepper Pantry: Habanero" by Dave DeWitt and Nancy Gerlach. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr

Yields: 1 1/2 cups




  1. Combine all ingredients in a nonreactive bowl.
  2. Allow to sit for at least an hour (preferably 2 or more) before serving to let the flavors "marry".

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