Luscious Berries With Custard Sauce

Delightful custard sauce poured over sun ripen berries. Land-o-Lakes Cookbook.

Ready In: 20 mins

Yields: 2 cups




  1. in 2 qt saucepan cook cream over medium heat until just comes to a boil.
  2. remove from heat.
  3. meanwhile in medium bowl gradually whisk sugar and cornstrach into egg yolks. whisk until mixture is light and creamy.
  4. gradually whisk hot cream into beaten egg yolks. return mixture to same saucepan, stir in vanilla.
  5. cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until custard is thick enough to coat back of metal spoon (DO NOT boil because eggs will curdle).
  6. serve warm or cool over fresh berries.
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