Low Carb Chocolate Amaretto Cheesecake

A nice creamy low carb dessert.

Ready In: 1 hr 10 mins

Serves: 16

Yields: 1 cheesecake




  1. 1. Bring cream cheese and eggs to room temperature.
  2. 2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  3. 3. Beat cream cheese with hand mixer in large bowl till fluffy.
  4. 4. Beat in the eggs one at a time, mixing thoroughly and scraping sides between.
  5. 5. Beat in the sour cream, mixing thoroughly.
  6. 6. Blend powdered cocoa, splenda and stevia.
  7. 7. Beat cocoa mixture into cream cheese mixture, mixing thoroughly.
  8. 8. Beat in the amaretto syrup.
  9. Line bottom of 8" springform pan with a circle of parchment paper and place it on a cookie sheet in case of spills. Pour the cheesecake batter into the springform pan. Place on center shelf of oven. Immediately turn the heat down to 350. Bake for 45 - 55 minutes or until knife in the center comes out smoothly. Immediately transfer the cheesecake to the freezer until cool but not frozen. Cover with plastic wrap and let "ripen" in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.
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