Lovely Leftover Rice Dish

This is an example of less being more and with only 3 ingredients you just can't go wrong! This is absolutely gorgeous, just don't try to put anything with it and keep it simple! Pure comfort food, especially if made using basmati rice Show more

Ready In: 7 mins

Serves: 1


  •  cold leftover rice, enough for 1 person
  • 2  eggs
  • 25  g butter
  •  salt & freshly ground black pepper


  1. Melt the butter on a medium heat in a frying pan, do not let it brown.
  2. Crack the eggs into a cup, season with salt and pepper and beat well.
  3. Add to the butter in the pan as if you were making scrambled eggs.
  4. When the eggs are half scrambled add the rice, crumbling into the pan if it has stuck together.
  5. Stirring constantly, cook the rice until completely warmed through and serve immediately.
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