Limoncello (Lemoncello, Limoncella)

Limoncello, Sicily's signature liqueur, is easy to make at home. Perfect for those hot summer days... a cool explosion of the senses. This is the best Limoncello recipe I have come across, I think the secret that makes this one stand apart is the addition of the zest from one lime. Please use organic lemons and limes for this recipe. If they are not organic soak them in water for 1/2 an hour or so before zesting. Also it has been pointed out that it is best to use under-ripe fruit. Once made... there are so many uses; spiking lemonade, flavoring cocktails and splashing onto ice cream, poundcake or fresh fruit. You can substitute the peel of 15 limes for the lemon peel. Total time: 30 minutes, plus at least 4 weeks infusing time Show more

Ready In: 30 mins

Serves: 74

Yields: 9 1/4 Cups




  1. Remove yellow part of lemon peel either with micro-plane or sharp peeler. If any pith remains on the back of a strip of peel, scrape it off.
  2. Place peels in a large jar with screw-top lid or sealed with clamps and cover with one bottle of vodka.
  3. Leave mixture to mellow for 2 weeks in a dark place.
  4. After mixture sets, combine sugar and water in a small saucepan, bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring frequently, until the sugar has dissolved. Allow the syrup to cool to room temperature (This is very important- if the sugar syrup is still warm the limoncello will result cloudy instead of limpid).
  5. Using a coffee filter or fine sieve, strain the vodka from the peels and mix it with the remaining bottle of vodka and the syrup. Put the liqueur in bottles, seal tightly (cork or screw-top lid) and let the components marry, in a dark place, for at least 10 days before using.
  6. For drinking straight, store the Limoncello in the freezer.
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