Lilbit's Mac & Cheese

We have been trying to get away from eating so much processed food. So we have been doing a lot of experimenting with recipes to make them taste like or be better than the store bought or restaurant versions. I came up with a really rich & creamy, cheesy Macaroni and Cheese recipe that my eleven year old daughter swiped and made her own. Beware though, this recipe is not for those watching their fat intake. :) Show more

Ready In: 30 mins

Serves: 4-6

Yields: 1 cup




  1. Boil Macaroni according to directions. Drain very well.
  2. Place Half & Half , Margarine & first three cheeses to same saucepan used for Macaroni. On medium heat, stir contents until all cheese is melted and creamy. Be sure to stir frequently to avoid lumping or stringy texture.
  3. Add drained Macaroni to cheese sauce. Salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Sprinkle with Parmesan Cheese if desired and enjoy!
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