Lentils Couscous Recipe

I made this recipe the other day, instead of using rice , I used Couscous, and it was really good. Basically it is cooked the same as the lentils and Rice Recipe (Mujadarah) only subsituting couscous for Rice. Show more

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 4-6




  1. Saute onions with olive oil (stirring occasionally) until golden brown. Reserve 4 tablespoons of browned onions for garnish.
  2. Meanwhile place lentils, water (or broth) salt,and black Pepper in a different saucepan and cook for around 20 minutes or until lentils are tender.
  3. Add Couscous, browned onions, cumin, and dash of cayenne to the lentils, stir, cover and simmer for about 5-10 minutes or until water is absorbed.
  4. Place Lentils and Couscous in serving dish and garnish with 4 tablespoons of reserved browned onions.
  5. This recipe is best when served with Tomatoe Salad. See my recipe for Tomatoe Salad.
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