Lacto-Fermented Miracle Whip

We like salad dressing/MIracle whip, but I dont like all the soy in it. Here is a healthy alternative. For the oil, you need to use Light Olive oil OR bragg's Organic Olive oil, otherwise you may have a very bitter tasting recipe if you use all extra virgin olive oil. You can also subsitute other healthy oils in this recipe. For example, sesame oil, sunflower oil, ect. For the whey, you can get that from draining yogurt overnight in a coffee filter. The liquid stuff that drains from the yogurt is called whey and it preserves this Miracle Whip and also gives it healthy probiotics. Whey from Kefir also works well. Letting the Miracle Whip set on the counter, lets the good bacteria multiply before refrigerating it. Show more

Ready In: 20 mins

Serves: 25

Yields: 2 cups




  1. Put everything in blender EXCEPT oil.
  2. Blend the ingredients for 30 seconds.
  3. Add 2 cups oil VERY VERY slowly, drop by drop or a teaspoon/tablespoon at a time. This is very important to do slowly while the blender is running.
  4. Let set out on counter for 7 hours.
  5. Refrigerate.
  6. This is lacto-fermented, so it will last longer and should last somewhere around.
  7. 2 months in fridge!
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