Jerk Jackfruit Tacos

These jerk jackfruit tacos topped with mango guacamole are delicious! They’re meaty and filling, with the perfect combination of spiciness and coolness from the guacamole. If you want to impress someone with vegan food, these should be on the menu. Unlike tempeh and tofu, everyone likes jackfruit, making it an especially ideal ingredient for skeptical vegan eaters. This stuff is truly magical! Now that I’ve finally shared one jackfruit recipe, I plan on sharing many many more. Show more

Ready In: 55 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Drain the jackfruit in a colander.
  2. In a wide bowl, use a fork to pull the fibers apart. The jackfruit should have a texture reminiscent of pulled chicken.
  3. Place the jackfruit and chopped red pepper in a large pot or skillet with a lid, and set aside.
  4. Place the sauce ingredients (onion to bouillon) in a blender, and blend until it has become a smooth liquid.
  5. Pour the sauce over the jackfruit, and stir to coat.
  6. Place the pot on the stove, and bring contents to a simmer. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover the pot, and cook for 30 minutes.
  7. While the jerk jackfruit is cooking, make your mango guacamole.
  8. Place the guacamole ingredients in a mortar and pestle (or bowl and fork) and mash until your desired texture is reached. I like mine with some chunks in it. Set aside.
  9. Serve the jerk jackfruit inside of warmed corn tortillas and topped with mango guacamole.
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