Jalapenos Stuffed With Peanut Butter

I know it doesnt sound to pleasant but it taste really good and is very easy to make

Ready In: 5 mins

Serves: 4-25


  • 1 (12 ounce) can  pickled jalapeno peppers
  • 1 12 cups peanut butter (smooth or chunky)


  1. Slice the pickled jalapeños in half lengthwise not quite all the way through, leaving the 2 halves attached at the stem end.
  2. Using a knife or spoon, remove the seeds and ribs under running water.
  3. Pack the halves with peanut butter, press together, and arrange on a serving plate.
  4. Be sure to warn guests to put the whole pepper (except the stem) in the mouth before chewing, to get 70 percent peanut butter and 30 percent jalapeño.
  5. A nibbler squeezes out the peanut butter, changing the percentages and making it very hot indeed.
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