Italian Bread

Another recipe that came with the pizza stone.

Ready In: 3 hrs 50 mins

Yields: 2 loaves




  1. Dissolve yeast in 1 cup warm water; let stand 5 minutes. Dissolve salt in 2 cups warm water. Put 5 cups of flour in large bowl, add wet ingredients, mix well. Add enough remaining flour to make a workable dough.
  2. Turn out onto a lightly floured board and knead for 10 minutes until dough is smooth and elastic and has a satiny sheen. Or, using dough hook on electric stand mixer, knead for 7-8 minutes.
  3. Place in greased bowl and turn once to grease top. Cover; place bowl in warm, draft-free place; let rise till double in bulk: 1-1/2 hours.
  4. Turn dough out onto board and knead for five minutes more. Divide dough into two pieces and round each piece into a ball. Return to greased bowl; cover and let rise till doubled, approzimately 40-60 minutes.
  5. Separate pieces of dough (they will come apart). Roll each ball into an oblong shape using both hands. Shape into Italian-style loaves. Sprinkle cornmeal on baking paddle. Place loaves on paddle, cover, let rise until doubled (about 30 minutes).
  6. Brush tops with melted butter. Make one long slash, about 1-inch deep nearly the entire leght of the loaf(a single-edged razor blade works best). Place Baking Stone in oven; pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Slide loaves from paddle onto the stone. Bake for 50-60 minute on stone until golden brown and bread sounds hollow when tapped.
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