Imitation Crab Meat Spread

Bought some imitation crab, liked the taste and came up with this for hors d'oeuvres one day.

Ready In: 10 mins

Yields: 24 crackers


  • 1  cup  imitation crabmeat
  • 1  cup  grated swiss cheese
  • 2  tablespoons  chopped celery (very fine)
  • 1  tablespoon  chopped onion (very fine)
  •  mayonnaise or   salad dressing
  • 1  dash basil
  •  salt and pepper
  •  horseradish, to taste if you like a little bite to your spread (optional)


  1. Put imitation crab through blender and grind to medium consistency.
  2. Mix with balance of ingredients and let set for at least 2 hours before serving.
  3. Serve on crackers or cucumber slices. Can also be spread on bread to make sandwiches.

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