Hungarian Rice With Meat (Husos Rizs)

This is a great way to use up leftover rice and meat from a previous meal, and tastes great! I like to serve this in a bowl with some vinegarette salad on the side. Frugality is popular in Hungary, so even leftovers are brilliantly used to recreate dishes. This is our version of "fried rice." I also like to put taco sauce or tomato juice into the mix for added flavor. Show more

Ready In: 25 mins

Serves: 2-4




  1. Using a medium-sized sauce pan, saute onions and bell pepper in oil on low until onions are clear.
  2. Add meat, paprika, and stir for few seconds.
  3. Add peas, chicken broth, some salt, and cover for a few minutes. Check if peas taste cooked.
  4. Add cooked rice, and salt to taste. Mix thoroughly, and heat on low until rice is at desired temperature.
  5. Optional: add 2-4 taco sauce seasoning packets from your favorite fast food restaurant or 1/4 cup tomato sauce and heat with rice.
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