Homemade Tuna Casserole

There are lots of tuna casserole recipes on this site, but this one seems to be a bit different. It uses a homemade basic white sauce instead of canned soup, and also incorporates hardboiled eggs, which adds a nice dimension to the flavor. My friend shared this recipe with me, and I think the extra effort is worth it! Show more

Ready In: 50 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Preheat oven to 375.
  2. Melt butter in saucepan over medium-high heat.
  3. Add flour and pepper, mixing well.
  4. Slowly stir in milk.
  5. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly, until thickened.
  6. Combine cooked noodles, white sauce, tuna and eggs in greased casserole dish.
  7. Top with cheddar cheese.
  8. Bake at 375 for 30 minutes.
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