Homemade Soft Ice Cream

My husband doesn't like ice cream that gets really hard in the freezer-so I came up with this recipe. Haven't tried it with fruits and other flavors yet but that is next. It stays soft in the freezer and is really creamy. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 30 mins

Serves: 16

Yields: 1 gallon




  1. Dissolve gelatin in 1/2 cp milk.
  2. Separate eggs.
  3. Heat the marshmallows, milk and sugar until marshmallows are melted.
  4. Beat egg yolks and add to gelatin and milk mixture. Blend this with milk, marshmallow and sugar mixture. Let cool thoroughly.
  5. After cooling, add beaten egg whites, sweetened condensed milk, cremora and vanilla .
  6. Add enough milk for 1 gallon and freeze in ice cream freezer.
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