Hidden Egg Meatloaf

This is another one your kids will love helping with or eating. They like the surprise inside. Keep checking back for more kid friendly recipes. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 20 mins

Serves: 6




  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F.
  2. Start hard boiling three of your eggs so they can begin cooking.
  3. Slightly beat the other egg with a fork.
  4. Here's where your kids can come in put all the ingredients into a bowl except your hard boiled eggs, wash your kids hands and let them mix it up.
  5. If you have a loaf pan then spread half the meat mixture in the bottom. If not put half of you meat in a glass dish (imperative to clean up time) and make an oval in the center spreading the length of the dish.
  6. Now place your peeled hard boiled eggs long wise (do not cut them) on top of your meat in the pan.
  7. Add the other half of the meat and shape it over the top like a loaf.
  8. Bake uncovered for an hour and a half.
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