Hearty Honey Whole Wheat Pancakes

The buttermilk-induced fluffiness and hint of cinnamon and honey in these pancakes will make you forget how good for you they are! These are perfect on a bright Spring morning with strawberries, honey, jam, etc. Show more

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 15-18

Yields: 15 Good-size pancakes




  1. Whisk together the dry ingredients (flour, oats, leaveners, spices) in a large bowl.
  2. Beat the eggs together until thoroughly blended and partially stiff in a smaller bowl.
  3. Add all other wet ingredients (buttermilk, canola oil, honey) to eggs, mix well.
  4. Slowly add wet mixture to dry, folding in until thoroughly blended.
  5. Let sit for 10-20 minutes or so while you put everything away and drink some coffee.
  6. Cook on lightly oiled or nonstick skillet until both sides are golden brown. These are moist pancakes, so be sure to check and sometimes flip back and do the same side twice.
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