Healthy Breakfast Sandwich

Quick, Nutritious, Filling, and a Crowd Pleaser. How can you go wrong?

Ready In: 8 mins

Serves: 1




  1. Toast English Muffin.
  2. Wilt Spinach for 15 seconds in saute' pan with 1/4 cup boiling water. Allow spinach to drain on paper towel. Pour off water, return to heat.
  3. Layer turkey in pan just long enough to heat throughout, place on bottom portion of English Muffin.
  4. Place cheese on top of turkey.
  5. Place wilted spinach on the cheese.
  6. add the tomato slices (2) to the hot pan, warming briefly.
  7. Turn off heat under pan, place tomatoes on spinach, top with English Muffin top -- enjoy.
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