Hacked Biscuits, Quick & Easy!

Discovered after many many trial and error sessions! I normally bake without measurements, I tried to be as exact as possible, but please keep in mind you will always need to 'dust' the dough! The big 'secret' everyone always hides is....Knead <10 times and be GENTLE the very second the liquid hits the dry ingredients. Show more

Ready In: 14 mins

Serves: 12

Yields: 12 biscuits




  1. The magic to these biscuits is using VERY light pressure when handling the dough, and kneading/folding no more than 7 times! It will BARELY look like biscuits but this is fine trust me!
  2. Combine 3 cups flour, 1 heaping handful of baking powder, 1 small handful powdered sugar, and 3 pinches of salt in a large bowl. Mix well to distribute.
  3. Add one stick softened butter/margarine. "Cut" into dry ingredients with a fork, flicking your wrist much like beating eggs. Continue breaking butter into flour until you have pea-sized particles.
  4. Whisk one egg with one cup milk. Make a fist and punch a valley into the dry mixture. Add about 2/3 of the egg/milk mixture. Take a spatula and pull flour from the edges of the bowl inward to the milk. Remember to be GENTLE! You are now trying to build air for fluffy biscuits!
  5. Add the rest of the egg/milk mixture and ensure an even distribution of dry to wet. A good consistency is not-sticky, but almost. You can add pinches of flour if you need to!
  6. Grab a handful of flour and fling it on the counter. Drop the dough onto the surface, and begin kneading it easily about 7 times. You can do this by taking the rear portion of the dough, pulling it towards you, and "folding" or pushing it down towards the counter. Repeat this 7 times!
  7. Once you have barely formed some dough, pat it out very gently into a rectangle. Dust it lightly with flour, and cut it into 8 squares with a VERY sharp knife.
  8. Dust, butter, or spray a cooking sheet and preheat oven to 400°F.
  9. Place the biscuits very close to each other, maybe 1/4" gap. Cook until tops are golden brown and the center is no longer doughy. You may have to separate mid-way through baking due to the very surprising amount of leavening action these biscuits have.
  10. Enjoy and make many more.
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