Grilled Bread Salad

One of my favorite comfort food dishes. . .

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 6




  1. Start a gas or charcoal grill or preheat the broiler; the rack should be 4 to 6 inches from the heat source.
  2. Cut the bread lengthwise into quarters. Grill or broil the bread, watching carefully and turning as each side browns and chars slightly; total time will be less than 10 minutes.
  3. While the bread cools, mix together the next seven ingredients in a large bowl. Mash the tomatoes slightly with the back of a fork to release all of their juices. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  4. Cut the bread into 1/2- to 1-inch cubes (no larger), and toss with ingredients in the bowl.
  5. Let the mixture sit for 20-30 minutes, tossing occasionally and tasting a piece every now and then.
  6. The salad is at its peak when the bread is fairly soft but some edges remain crisp, bu tyou can serve it before or after it reaches that state.
  7. When it's ready, stir in the basil and serve.
  8. Makes a great light meal on its own, or served with simply grilled meat, fish, or poultry.
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