Grilled Asian Chicken

Just put together and its yummy.

Ready In: 40 mins

Serves: 2

Yields: 2 Chicken Breasts




  1. Place chicken in a ziploc bag, sprinkle with Chinese 5 Spice.
  2. In mixing bowl, combine Sauce ingredients.
  3. Spoon 1/4 of mixture (reserve 2 T. sauce for finished product) into ziploc bag with chicken and massage sauce into chicken breasts. Marinate 15 minutes. Discard marinade and ziploc bag.
  4. Grill chicken over medium heat. Flip chicken and baste with sauce. Cook until juices run clear when pierced and no longer pink, about 7 minute each side.
  5. Serve with hot rice or noodles, spoon 2 T. reserved sauce over chicken and rice or noodles. Garnish with reserved sliced scallions.
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