Greek Style Grilled Lamb

Leg of lamb (6 - 7 lbs.) boned and butterflied marinated in Greek herbs and spices overnight, then grilled. I have no idea where this recipe originated, but it has been in our family for years. I buy my lamb from Costco, it's already boned and butterflied. Show more

Ready In: 24 hrs

Serves: 6




  1. Lay out meat in a large shallow glass pan.
  2. Mix remaining ingredients together and pour over meat.
  3. Turn meat to coat on both sides, cover, and chill overnight.
  4. Barbeque meat on grill over medium-hot heat and cook 15-20 minutes to brown on side.
  5. Turn and cook another 15-20 minutes for medium-rare meat.
  6. Baste several times during grilling with marinade.
  7. Slice to serve.
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