Grand Marnier Strawberry Gratin

This is a really easy and yummy way to use up some strawberries.

Ready In: 24 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Cut strawberries in half or quarters and toss with sugar and Grand Marnier.
  2. Take softened cream cheese and 1/4 cup of sugar and blend till smooth.
  3. Add in sour cream, vanilla and mix.
  4. Place strawberries in oven/broiler proof individual ramekins or in a broiler proof dish such as an 8"x8" Corning/Pyrex dish.
  5. Spoon cream cheese mixture over berries and then sprinkle a thin layer of brown sugar over cream cheese mixture.
  6. Turn broiler on in oven and place ramekins or single dish under broiler for 1-3 minutes or until the brown sugar slightly caramelizes.
  7. As soon as it starts to bubble remove from oven, a few seconds to long and the sugar can burn very easily so do not take yours eyes off of it while it is in the oven.
  8. Serve in ramekins or spoon into a dish and serve.
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