Graham Cracker Pudding 'Sandwiches'

From the back of the graham cracker box; fun and easy frozen dessert for the kid in us all! Great to do ahead for picnics and pool/birthday parties. Choose your favorite flavor and have fun... Cook time is freezer time. Show more

Ready In: 4 hrs 25 mins

Serves: 18




  1. Beat cream cheese with mixer in large bowl until smooth (you really need an electric mixer to get this fluffy enough).
  2. Gradually blend milk into cream cheese.
  3. Add pudding powder and beat 2 minutes.
  4. Fold whipped topping in gently.
  5. On each of 18 graham squares, spoon approx 1/4 c pudding mixture and top with second graham square.
  6. Wrap each sandwich individually in plastic wrap.
  7. Freeze at least 4 hrs or until firm.
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