Gluten Free Spritz (Press) Cookies

This recipe is a gluten-free substitution of an old family recipe and it's so good you won't be able to tell that it's gluten-free!! Show more

Ready In: 53 mins

Serves: 15-24

Yields: 24-36 cookies


  • 2  cups  sifted namaste  gluten-free flour
  • 18 teaspoon salt
  • 1  cup butter or 1  cup shortening
  • 1  cup  sifted powdered sugar
  • 2  beaten  egg yolks
  • 1  teaspoon vanilla or 1  teaspoon  almond extract


  1. Preheat oven to 375 drgees.
  2. cream butter(or shortening).
  3. slowly add the powdered sugar.
  4. once butter and powdered sugar are mixed well, add: vanilla(or almond) extract, beaten egg yolks, and salt.
  5. SLOWLY add flour until dough is pressable.
  6. use cookie press to press cookies on to large baking sheet.
  7. bake for approximately 8 minutes.
  8. let cool and enjoy.
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