Gingerbread Squares (Gluten Free)

Need to have gingerbread? Must be gluten free? Not a problem! Smells heavenly.. won't last long, even if family can handle wheat products. This recipe was adapted from one which contained wheat flour.. Show more

Ready In: 50 mins

Serves: 6

Yields: 12 bars




  1. Combine DRY ingredients with the WET ones. Whisk until moist and no large lumps are visible.
  2. Options: Chopped candied ginger (about 1/4 c.).
  3. White raisins soaked in rum (about 1/2 c.)
  4. Plain yogurt or sour cream can substitute for sour milk.
  5. If using candied ginger and raisins, stir into batter now.
  6. Pour into prepared square pan (grease & flour it).
  7. Bake in pre-heated 350deg. oven for about 45 minute.
  8. * Check at 30 minute interval.
  9. Cool in pan on wire rack; can be served warm, cold. doesn't matter!
  10. Enjoy!
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