Gingerbread Cranberry Biscotti

from the blog "The Go Lightly Gourmet" -

Ready In: 1 hr 20 mins

Serves: 25




  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a large bowl mix all the dry ingredients together and whisk together.
  3. Mix in the nuts and cranberries.
  4. In a small bowl, whisk together the molasses, eggs and orange zest, then add to the dry mix till well blended and the dough starts to stick together. Add a tablespoon or two of milk if necessary.
  5. Turn the dough out onto an unfloured work surface. Work the dough, with lightly floured hands, into a nice fat Yule time log.
  6. Place the log on a cookie sheet that has been lightly sprayed with cooking oil, and bake about 30 – 35 minutes. The top should be a tad cracked and spring back when gently pressed.
  7. Let it cool about 20 minutes. Carefully transfer the biscotti log to a cutting board and cut your biscotti diagonally, about ¾ inch thick.
  8. Return the slices to the cookie sheet and bake another 10 minutes (for slightly chewy) to 20 minutes (for teeth cracking hard).
  9. Let them cool completely while you melt the white chocolate. Pour the melted white chocolate into a small, thick zip lock bag. Cut one of the bottom corners barely off the bag and gently squeeze the chocolate into a pattern on the biscotti.
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