Frozen Anchovy Cream

Nostalgic, at least for me.

Ready In: 15 mins

Serves: 4-6




  1. Line a round 8-inch pie pan or an oblong loaf pan with clingfilm.
  2. Drain anchovies and set a few aside for garnishing.
  3. Mash 10-12 fillets with a fork.
  4. Whip cream.
  5. Mix cream with mashed anchovies and one tablespoon chopped chives.
  6. Season with the pepper.
  7. Pour into prepared pan, cover with cling film and freeze for 12-14 hours (can be kept in freezer for up to one week).
  8. Remove from freezer 1 hour before serving.
  9. Unmold.
  10. Garnish with remaining chives and anchovy fillets, split lenghtwise.
  11. Keep in refridgerator until serving, should be eaten half frozen.
  12. Serve with baked potatoes or dark bread.
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