Flaky Pastry

This recipe comes from the "Gone With The Wind Cook Book - Famous Southern Cooking Recipes". There is a note in the foreward which I love: "Gone With The Wind told of a style of living. as well as a romantic drama, A way of living, playing, and eating that thrilled us all." Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 45 mins

Yields: 2 pie shells




  1. Mix and sift together flour and salt.
  2. Cut butter into flour with 2 knives or a pastry blender.
  3. Add enough water to hold ingredients together, sprinkling it in evenly and mixing with a fork.
  4. Wrap dough in waxed paper and chill for 1 hour before rolling.
  5. Divide dough in half.
  6. Roll on lightly-floured board to 1/8-inch thickness. for pies and pie shells.
  7. Bake pie shells at 220C for 15 minutes.
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