Fish in Mustard Sauce

I have it on hearsay that this is a traditional recipe from the coast of Bengal. Flavourful of spicyness with very little heat. Best served with plain steamed/boiled rice and a cucumber raita on the side. Use fish of your choice. *After the first review, the correction related to the first "eleven" ingredients was effected. The recipe itself was obtained from an Indian chef at an international convention. Having enjoyed the dish myself, and having made it subsequently, I posted this on Recipezaar. Being equally perplexed after the first review, I researched the Bengali fish dishes and found essentially the same recipe cited elsewhere. The only advice I can offer is: 1. Do not try the recipe if you equate spiciness with heat and expect the mustard sauce to be anything like the Western commercial mustards. 2. If your sauce and taste preference leans towards the traditional Indian dry "khaari's," this dish will not appeal to you. Show more

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 3-4




  1. Wash fish, sprinkle with salt and set aside to firm up.
  2. Grind first 10 (ten) ingredients with lemon juice to make a paste.
  3. Fry paste in oil for 6-7 minutes, adding water as and when required to prevent burning.
  4. Add tomatoes, saute for 2 minutes then add 2 cups boiling water. Season with salt to taste.
  5. Add fish pieces, cook until done (+/- 10min) and serve garnished with chopped coriander leaves.
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