Fennel Potato Fry

The amount of bacon, potatoes, size of fennel and caraway seeds is up to you. I love caraway seeds and usually put in 1 flat tablesp. and bacon 6 if I use 1 kg. of potatoes. It was given to me by a friend from Calagary 25 years ago and still a favourite. Show more

Ready In: 40 mins

Serves: 4-6




  1. Fry bacon till slightly crisp. Set aside, but keep the baconfat. Cut is small strips.
  2. Cook potatoes with their skin in slightly salted water. Once cool enough to handle, take off their skin and cut in cubes.
  3. Fry chopped onion, fennel and garlic in the bacon fat till browned. Add butter if they become too dry.
  4. Add the potatoes, the bacon and the caraway seeds till you have lots of crispy browns bits.
  5. Check for pepper and salt.
  6. Sprinkle with parsley.
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