Fennel in Sherry

Scrumptious braised fennel in a light cream sherry sauce - to die for with roast turkey or chicken. Choice of sherry is up to you, Amontillado will give a sweeter slightly smoky flavour, dry a nice crisp bite. Show more

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 6




  1. trim fennel and cut in half lengthwise.
  2. arrange close together in a large pan, season and add the butter in knobs.
  3. just cover with water and cook covered over gentle heat for 30 mins.
  4. remove fennel to warmed serving dish and put to one side.
  5. reduce the cooking liquid, pour in the sherry and deglaze the pan by vigorously scraping with the back of a fork.
  6. mix in the creme fraiche, let the sauce bubble up twice and pour over the fennel.
  7. serve at once.
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