Fat-free Vegetable Soup

This soup is easy to make and uses no fat during any stage of prep or cooking.And as there is no meat,it is low carb too. The recipe came from my mum,she made one with different ingredients,so i decided to try my own. If you make too much,the rest can be frozen and re-heated Show more

Ready In: 45 mins

Serves: 6-8




  1. Into a large frying pan(12" or bigger) add the minced garlic and all the chopped veggies and dry-fry them until the have reduced to about half their original size.This will soften them up and allow flavour to come out.Don't use any oil to fry them,but you can use a small amount of the stock if you wish,to help them steam and reduce.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon each of salt and black pepper.You can also add any other herbs and spices you like to the mixture.
  3. Then transfer the mixture to a large deep pan,and add all the vegetable broth/stock(If you wish,you can add chicken stock,or beef stock instead,and you can add meat to the soup if you dont want it all veggie!.And if you cant find the tinned stock,you can make up the amount using stock cubes dissolved in hot water).
  4. Now add the 2 tablespoons of tomato puree/paste,and stir in,along with some salt and pepper,Worcester sauce,and hot sauce if you like a kick to it.These are down to personal preference,just add what you want until you get the flavour you like.
  5. Bring to a boil,then add the water,and bring back to the boil.Turn down heat and allow to simmer for 20 minutes,stirring occasionally.
  6. Turn off heat and stir.Allow soup to stand (with lid on)for 10 minutes before serving.
  7. Serve with crusty bread (butter optional!).
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