
I usually make a batch of falafel and store in the freezer to have on hand for a quick, healthy lunch. I freeze them on trays over wax paper, and once frozen transfer them to freezer bags. When wishing to use them, take the desired amount from the freezer and give them about 20 min to thaw a bit before frying in very hot oil. Some people like to use the end of a pencil to poke a hole in the center of the patty, they say it helps with the crisp. Makes a great sandwich stuffed into a pita with salad type veggies and your favorite condiment. You can skip the sesame seeds but to me, it really makes the falafel! :) hope you enjoy Show more

Ready In: 24 hrs 5 mins

Serves: 8-10

Yields: 30 patties




  1. Wash and soak all the dried beans in a large pot with plenty of water for 24 hours.
  2. Drain the beans and place them in the food processor along with the baking powder and baking soda, and process. It will get a kind of bread crumb consistency.
  3. Now you can start adding in the chopped veggies all the while processing.
  4. Add in the spices.
  5. Process until very well mixed, then transfer to a large bowl.
  6. Take small handfuls and shape into balls and then flatten the balls slightly to form patties.
  7. Place the sesame seeds in a bowl and coat the patties with the seeds.
  8. Fry in hot oil until golden brown and cooked through.
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