Elsa’s Knickerbocker Glory (Tea With Mussolini)

Wikipedia describes this dessert as, “…a very elaborate ice cream sundae that is served in a large tall glass, particularly in the United Kingdom. In the United States, the closest equivalent would be a parfait… It is so called, as it is traditionally designed to appear as a column of horizontal stripes—often alternating red and white—so as to resemble long stockings called knickerbockers, which were once popular amongst young girls.” In the movie “Tea with Mussolini,” Elsa (played by Cher) offers young Luka a Knickerbocker Glory, and Lady Hester Random criticizes: "She even manages to make an ice-cream vulgar!" The dessert is also mentioned in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,” where Dudley had a tantrum because his knickerbocker glory wasn't big enough at the zoo restaurant. There’s no set recipe for this concoction that first appeared in the UK in the 1930s, but here’s a version for you. :) Recipe adapted from Mangiare Bene. Show more

Ready In: 8 mins

Serves: 1




  1. In a double boiler over medium heat, melt the chocolate and butter together, stirring constantly.
  2. Place the scoops of vanilla and pineapple ice cream in a large parfait glass and top with cherry syrup. Place scoop of chocolate on top and top with the melted chocolate.
  3. Garnish with whipped cream, cherries, and sliced banana.
  4. Other versions of this dessert include sliced peaches, strawberries, and jam/jelly alternating with layers of whipped cream to make the knickerbocker stripes. Experiment for yourself, and enjoy! :).
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