Easy Swiss N Sweet Potato Mash

This recipe was created out of curiosity.. and everyone loved it. Hope it works for you too! I love the subtle flavors and the creamy consitency, also the fact that sweet potatoes are considered a power food and it is low in fat. Show more

Ready In: 30 mins

Serves: 4-5




  1. In a 3 quart saucepan, start heating water on high. Peel and cut the potatoes in uniform portions then add them to the boiling water, turn to medium heat and add the salt. Let them boil until soft. Drain and squash with hand musher, adding butter choice, laughing cow cheese, ranch dressing and part of the warm milk and mush until creamy, if it seems dry or too lumpy, add more warm milk and mush some more until it reaches the consitency you desire. Make sure all ingredients are well blended and let it sit for a few minutes before serving. The final taste should be somewhat sweet. Goes great with dark meats and mushrooms, Pork loin/chops and grilled chicken.

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