Easy Oven Omelet

Everyone loves this - even my two small children. Once cooked, it can be refrigerated and reheated. This has become a breakfast tradition for the holidays. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr

Serves: 12




  1. Preheat to 325°F
  2. Beat eggs, butter, sour cream, milk, salt, and basil.
  3. Stir in cheese, mushrooms, onions, and tomato.
  4. Pour into 9x13 dish, cook uncovered until omelet is set but moist - about 40-45 minutes. After 30 minutes, stir so the ingredients are evenly distributed to the outer parts of the dish (they tend to float to the center).
  5. This can be made 24 hours in advance. Cook for 50-55 at 325°F if refrigerated.
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