It’s so easy to make your own chocolate syrup, and you probably already have all the ingredients you need to whip up a batch. And it only takes 10 minutes! Show more

Ready In: 10 mins

Yields: 1 cup




  1. In a medium saucepan, whisk together the cocoa powder and sugar until blended. Add the water and 1/4 teaspoon of the salt, and whisk over medium heat until boiling, stirring constantly.
  2. Continue boiling until mixture thickens, about 3 – 4 minutes. The mixture will still be fairly thin (it thickens to a syrup-like consistency once cool). Taste and stir in additional salt until dissolved, up to 1/4 teaspoon, if desired.
  3. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla. Cool.
  4. Store syrup in an airtight glass container in the refrigerator. The syrup should keep, refrigerated, for at least a month.
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