Easy Balsamic Poached Chicken and Glaze

I love this recipe because it's easy, I always have these ingredients on hand and it's such a great result with so little effort! Poaching the chicken in the balsamic sauce yields an extremely flavorful and juicy result! I usually serve it with asparagus or spinach and roasted potatoes. Show more

Ready In: 25 mins

Serves: 4




  1. In a sauce pan, bring the chicken broth and balsamic vinegar to a boil.
  2. Add the chicken. If the broth and vinegar mixture doesn't fully cover the chicken pieces, add a little more broth
  3. Simmer for 2 minutes, cover, and remove the pan from heat.
  4. Set pan aside for 20 minutes, until chicken is cooked through. Try not to lift the lid during the 20 minutes of cooking.
  5. Remove chicken from pan and set aside. Return sauce to the stove and reduce until to about 1/2 a cup (this may take awhile to reduce, but it's worth it, stick with it).
  6. Pour the reduced sauce glaze over chicken and serve!
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