Crunchy Oat Biscuits

If you like crunchy biscuits these are well worth a try. Always popular with my friends at the windmills. They are very easy to make but please ensure you space the mixture on the baking trays as advised below - they spread out significantly during cooking. Show more

Ready In: 45 mins

Yields: 18-20 biscuits




  1. Pre-heat oven to Cool (300°F, 150°C, gas mark 2).
  2. Cover 2 baking trays with silicon or parchment paper.
  3. Stir together the flour, bicarbonate of soda, oats and sugar.
  4. Over gentle heat, melt together the butter, syrup and milk.
  5. Pour the fluid into the flour mixture and mix well.
  6. Take rounded teaspoons of the resultant mix and roll in the hands to form a small ball.
  7. Place the balls of mixture 4 inches apart on the baking trays and slightly flatten the balls.
  8. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes.
  9. Cool on the trays for 2 to 3 minutes to allow the biscuits to become firm.
  10. Lift the biscuits off the lining paper with a fish-slice and place on wire trays to finish cooling.
  11. Once cool, place in an air-tight tin to keep the biscuits crunchy.
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